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about psyched

Life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes second chances are granted from following the heart and embracing change. Understanding the Importance of respect and positivity towards others and the ability to grow and adapt from past experiences is what psyched strives for. Like pottery, Learning through failure and accepting change from all points of view are important for growth. Cleansing the soul and mind by embracing the feeling of love that is all around makes for a simple happy life. We get psyched when we push the boundaries of what's possible in ceramics and in life. It is never too late to start again. 


We are all connected and it’s important to uplift each other in support of healing thru self expression. Art has guided me through dark times and I hope to encourage anyone who is struggling that there is light at the end of any tunnel. Just like art, we all have the ability to learn and grow everyday with the right focus and dedication. 









Around the time of my birthday in 2019 while living in Tucson, I bought a small wheel on amazon as a long awaited gift to myself. I finally had a place to get messy in my garage and that's just what I did. The pandemic hit soon after and we were all locked up inside with no end in sight. This was the perfect time for me to dive deep into the craft. I stocked up 600 pounds of clay for the lockdown and proceeded to teach myself techniques through trial and error. Piece by piece, I eventually built an entire studio in my garage. What started as an escape has slowly turned into shelves full of inventory. I want to be able to share my ceramics with the world in hopes of spreading light in anyones home where these pots end up. Wishing the best vibes upon anyone who supports psyched. 


TL;DR- I built my mind to enjoy life with the help of ceramics.







about the potter

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